Thursday 25 October 2012

Temporary Design?

 Maybe i could even do a temporary 'pop up shop' design if it can look as good as this! 

Final Project

I am current in my 3rd year of university now and I am creating for my final project a retail interior that will be competing with the designs on the previous website I uploaded.

My aim is to create and experience. Going shopping can be a difficult and dragging task let alone stressful. Especially with money difficulties in the last few years and to date, I believe creating an exciting experience, where people of today can be wow'ed and aw'ed and enjoy being inside the shop, is the way to get people wanting to spend there money again.

I will soon be uploading more influences of mine and then some of my own work.

I hope you enjoy and follow me on this 3rd and final years adventure!

Unique Interiors