Thursday 21 March 2013

Atocha train station, Madrid

After the trip in the woods I knew this is the direction I wanted to continue my FMP in. The course of nature obviously will provide the season settings of the store and its clothing it displays.

I looked tp see if it was possible to have real trees and plants inside the building and have them flourish.

I looked at the Atocha train station in Madrid, this place holds a tropical garden inside.

Trip in the woods


Rain Forest Cafe at MGM Grand Hotel and Casino

Lookinng at Rain Forest Cafe got me thinking how such a simple think like trees and plants can create such an amazing atmosphere. Then I started realized the most beautiful places in this world are natures doing and that no matter what season it was mother nature always managed to show her beauty. 

Realising this I knew that I must make my shop include natures scenery and from here is where I decided on the woods as my centre peice. Trees always look beautiful when they are rich with green leaves, blossom or bare with snow sitting lightly on the branches.

This is when I took a wander in the woods with my camera and some items of clothing and start 'displaying' thes items as if they were on show for sale.


Wednesday 13 March 2013

Continuing with my FMP

I have come a lot further in this project since the last time I updated this blog but I will share each step I have taken and why I chose these routes.

Looking at the shops today and the lacking in their ability to flourish in such difficult times just shows that something really needs to be done to bring back those customers. The best possible thing I can think of is to make sure the the shopping 'experience' is enjoyable, so people would rather go to a shop rather than sit at home on-line shopping.

I researched around to see what was already being done and see how some companies have focused on improving the whole experience for their customers involved.

This particular one I found took my curiosity and I think it is an absolutely brilliant idea! -

It is a secret cinema. This is an exciting way to watch and not only that but also be involved with some of your favourite movies. They get you to dress up and become apart of the theatre they are creating around you, you help re-enact the film you are also watching on large screen. Exciting!

This is a new revolution for the cinema, since pirate copies have come about the traditional cinema experience has been damaged. So obviously the cinema is feeling the pressure and raising their prices which is then creating a vicious circle as people wont want to pay more for something they could watch at home for very cheap/free.

This new idea of the cinema is like a breathe of fresh air! You can't just sit at home and enjoy these new fun exiting experiences you have to pay and go somewhere.

Here is a video for the famous Shawshank Redemption -

And here is an article that explains what it is all about -