Monday 29 April 2013

Rain Room - Barbican

At the Barbican - Rain Room

The first step under the rain really puts you outside of your comfort zone as you don't really trust it not to get you wet at first but then once you take that first step in it is a peculiar feeling having control of the rain.
An amazing installation that has only encouraged me more to go all in with my current design of bringing the exterior into the interior. It creates a fascinating reaction from people.

Monday 15 April 2013

adding other senses

Adding to the snow and the magical surroundings I wanted to use sound and scent to really enhance the 'feel' of my piece. To really grab the attention get people drawn into to my fantasy world.

This piece of music is a well known magical sentimental piece to the fantasy world.
And smells I thought about the best smelling and most exciting thing that you would smile when you were a child was sweets. I believe that sticking with this childhood excitement of using sweets with compliment the the childish fantasies of the classic fairy tales stories my store design holds.
I want to try and use the sweets as part of the winter wonderland theme and blend them in with the surroundings as well as I can. For example sugar as snow, clear boiled sweets melted down into icicle shapes hanging of branches etc... 


As I am going for the winter theme I had to find a way to create a snowy surrounding and also wanting to add more effects into my installation on creating a moving snowing effect.

Something like this I felt would work well projected across the trees.

Thursday 4 April 2013


From here I really thought I would go all out and think how I could interact the this idea to the public. I thought about putting on a show whilst people wandered around, or introduce fairy like dancers on rope swings so can be seen throughout the whole of the inside. Really rummaging around all the ideas I could think of until I thought.about what about just taking the main elements from a few fairy tales and combining them with what I already have.

Alice in Wonderland - Food/Drink that have the 'Eat Me'/ 'Drink Me' signs on them

Narnia -  A large wooden wardrobe that leads you into a magical world

Wizard of Oz - The red shoes

This is when my store turned from a clothes store, to a shoe store!

Fairy tales

Thinking about theatres has led me to think of traditional famous stories and that is how I came about the 'fairy tale' idea. Introducing fairy tales would be a strong part of the stores design as are the memories of fairy tales from peoples childhoods. Taking peoples childhood memories and putting it there in front of them will automatically increase interest.

'Alice in Wonderland'


'Wizard of Oz'
Again looking closely at the Secret Cinema and how they include actors in on their experience is something that got me thinking how and what else could I bring to my store design/idea to really enhance the customers experience.

Here is again the link for the Secret Cinema.

And here is a video of Secret Cinema's Shawshank Redemption

Using photo shop to enhance the colours and hopefully when I create the website for this store design I will able to use these images on there.