Thursday 3 November 2011

I have print screened the leaflet of instrutions I have made to show a step buy step guide on the process I have used to get the where I am now. The point of these instructions is that so any one can give this a go and every one will come out with different results. This is complete chance because you never know what the 'model' will wear or do... That is down to them!

My Facebook

I have decided to actually start using my facebook account for displaying my work because, for so long now I have used it just as a social networking site and throughout these last few years I have seen so many people such as business's/singers/artists/d.J's and even old friends actually have and are successfully promoting themselves via facebook. which makes sense as that is the place for everyone to be right now!

So this is the 1st for me to start combining my work ethic with the people at home and see what they think of it and maybe even some friends of friends will see what I do and then atleast my names out there a little more than before. Enjoy.!/media/set/?set=a.10150365363387561.363715.579507560&type=1

Wednesday 2 November 2011


replace it with this :):) i found that it was alot harder than I had origionaly thought it would be to get the picture to a standard i required. To get the background crisp white with every shot so that background lines do not appear was a difficult task for me. However, after playing around with alot of settings on my camera and asking for help from my peers, whilst also learnig how to manipulate photos even further on photoshop was too a challengem it was one I enjoyed I thoroughly enjoyed. There has been alot too learn and I feel I have just gone for it and given it a go and came out with some half decent shots for a 1st timer.

This is something I definantly want to take further and practice/experiment more with and i feel i still have alot to learn.


It wasnt till after I painted the box white and taken some tester shots that I actually wanted and would rather keep the box white to give that smart photo shoot image.

I thought I could put in a scenery to reflect an idea, maybe of a journey, being centre of attention on a plinth or centre stage....

These are some of the back grounds I thought of using but maybe taking out the colour and just going black and white so more focus is still on the shoes.
From these pictures I was determined to find a green pair of shoes as I wanted a huge variety of different pictures and some green shoes was just another thing that I could set out to find, no matter what they looked like!

I then discovered this was actually quite difficult and becuase I had been paying so much attention on peoples shoes, it only made sense for me to start taking pictures of them!

From here I took notes and mind mapped my way further into this project, planning my next approach. I had definantly decided on taking pictures of people wearing there shoes. So I found some scrap wood to build a box for people to stand in. The only decision from then was what the interior of this box was going to look like.

The wood I had taken had some already old art work on it which actually created a cool patterned interior.

But it didnt fit with the criteria or my project idea so I decided it was best to paint it white so that all the attention would be on the shoes.

greens and 19's

Here are some of the photos taken whilst looking for green things and number 19's, keeping in mind that these are things that we see everyday and dont even notice on our day to day travels.

The Beginning...

A current project I am doing revolves around the word 'chance'.

It was once I got started I realised that having the opportunity of choice was overwhelming and difficult to narrow down any ideas enough to get something rolling. So this is when I chose something I wanted to experiment with and learn more about.

The subject was, photography.

After some time mind mapping ideas and narrowing down further the possibilities I then felt more confident to get out there and do some more practical work!!

I decided to take pictures of things of every day life and resembled something personal to me for example, my favourite colour is green so i went out on a venture and took a picture of every thing green and the same with the number 19 (my age). Here the possibilities were endless, who knows what things we see with out even noticing them on our day to day passings by. This procedure could be taken and used by any one and I truly believe the outcome shall always be different.