Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Beginning...

A current project I am doing revolves around the word 'chance'.

It was once I got started I realised that having the opportunity of choice was overwhelming and difficult to narrow down any ideas enough to get something rolling. So this is when I chose something I wanted to experiment with and learn more about.

The subject was, photography.

After some time mind mapping ideas and narrowing down further the possibilities I then felt more confident to get out there and do some more practical work!!

I decided to take pictures of things of every day life and resembled something personal to me for example, my favourite colour is green so i went out on a venture and took a picture of every thing green and the same with the number 19 (my age). Here the possibilities were endless, who knows what things we see with out even noticing them on our day to day passings by. This procedure could be taken and used by any one and I truly believe the outcome shall always be different.

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